Here are four ways I can help you:


You have a special project ready to come to life and you want it to stand out from the crowd? Then a custom illustration may be just what your project needs.

icons / patterns / posters / flyers / packaging & products / editorial / books & children’s books / celebrating special moments like wedding invitations, birth announcements, party invitations…

Logo Package

Not a good moment for a full brand deep dive but still need your brand or project to look professional from the start? Then the logo package is a great first step.

logos (primary, secondary & icon) / colour palette / brand style guide (single page guide with the essentials) / 3 rounds of revisions / web & print ready files

Brand ID Package

Ready to kickstart your brand journey with a consistent brand identity? Or maybe it’s about time for that much needed refresh? Then the brand id package is for you!

brand strategy / 2 moodboards / logos (primary, secondary & icon) / colour palette / typography / brand style guide (more detailed guidelines) / 3 rounds of revisions / web & print ready files

Custom Package

Have specific needs for your brand? Don’t worry, this package includes everything in the logo package plus a tailored set of add-ons you may need.

social media templates / profile image & banners / email signature / business cards / letterheads / packaging & labels / posters / flyers / brochures / stickers /

Let me take you step-by-step into my process

  • The very first thing to do is to take the first step and get in touch! You can do this by email or through a contact form. Share with me some basic information about your projects and needs so I can have a better idea of how to help you turning them into reality. I'll probably ask you some additional questions so I can collect all the information I need to prepare for the next phase. All good? Then let's book a discovery call.

  • Now we have the chance to get to know each other a little better and dive deeper into your project. We will explore your ideas and wishes while we go through all the information we gathered so far. The more information you share, the smoother the design process will be.

  • This is when the magic happens! With all the knowledge we gathered before, it's time to get the creative juices running and start the creative process. I will guide you through all the steps and together we will work in rounds, developing your project one phase at a time. It's such an exciting feeling to see your ideas taking shape and becoming more and more defined as we move forward in the process.

  • After all the fun collaborative work, the final touches will be applied and the work will be ready for your approval. Love it? Woohoo! This means your project is finished and all the deliverables will be ready to send your way. It's time to share it all with the World now!

"Ana, I couldn't have been more satisfied with your work on the clinic's rebranding. The new logo has a lot of class and it's exactly what I was looking for the clinic's new image. It was very easy to work with you, you always had everything organized and well structured, and the timings were always met, which is important for those who need quick and perfect results when deciding to start a rebranding process. I will certainly recommend your work to more people."

Dra. Rita Santos Silva